Orlando, FL | (407) 920-2569


In today's fast-paced world, taking care of our vehicles can sometimes feel like a chore. Thus, Hersey Synthetic Oil in Orlando delves into their step-by-step guide to ace DIY car servicing at home.

Servicing your car at home may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and AMSOIL products, it's easier than you think. Visit their official web store or contact Hersey Synthetic Oil in Orlando at (407) 920-2569 to order.

Not only does DIY car servicing save you time and money, but it also gives you greater control over the quality of products used. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to service your car at home using AMSOIL products, renowned for their superior quality and performance.


AMSOIL has been a trusted name in the automotive industry for decades, offering a wide range of synthetic lubricants, filters, and other automotive products. Here are a few reasons why AMSOIL products are ideal for DIY car servicing:
  1. Superior Protection: AMSOIL synthetic lubricants provide superior protection against engine wear, extending the life of your machinery and other vital components.
  2. Extended Drain Intervals: Many AMSOIL products offer longer drain intervals, reducing the frequency of oil changes and saving you time and money in the long run.
  3. Performance: Whether you're driving on the street or the track, AMSOIL products are engineered to deliver exceptional performance in all conditions and weather.

Let's Get Started

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of servicing your car at home using AMSOIL products.

Oil Change

Regular oil changes are essential for maintaining engine health and performance. Here's how to perform an oil change using AMSOIL synthetic motor oil:
  • Gather Your Supplies: You'll need a wrench, oil filter wrench, oil drain pan, funnel, and, of course, your choice of AMSOIL synthetic motor oil and oil filter.
  • Drain the Oil: Start by locating the oil drain plug underneath your car and place the oil drain pan beneath it. Use a wrench to loosen the drain plug and allow the old oil to drain completely.
  • Replace the Oil Filter: Use an oil filter wrench to remove the old oil filter. Before installing the new filter, apply a thin layer of oil to the rubber gasket to ensure a proper seal.
  • Refill with AMSOIL: Use a funnel to refill the engine with your chosen AMSOIL synthetic motor oil, following the manufacturer's recommendations for oil viscosity and quantity.
  • Dispose of Old Oil: Properly dispose of the old oil and filter at a recycling center or automotive store that accepts used oil.

Before you roll up your sleeves, grab some AMSOIL products and give your car the TLC it deserves! If you need guidance, browse the AMSOIL catalog before buying, and call Hersey Synthetic Oil in Orlando at (407) 920-2569 when you're ready to order.

Air Filter Replacement

A clean air filter is crucial for maintaining proper airflow to the engine. Here's how to replace your air filter:
  • Locate the Air Filter Housing: The air filter housing is typically located near the engine and is secured with clips or screws.
  • Remove the Old Filter: Open the housing and carefully remove the old air filter. Inspect it for any signs of dirt or damage.
  • Install the New Filter: Place the new air filter into the housing, ensuring it is properly seated and the housing is securely closed.

Fuel System Cleaning

Over time, deposits can build up in the fuel system, affecting performance and fuel efficiency. Here's how to clean your fuel system using AMSOIL fuel additives and ace DIY car servicing:
  • Choose the Right Additive: AMSOIL offers a P.I.® Performance Improver Gasoline Additive designed to clean fuel injectors, intake valves, and combustion chambers.
  • Add the Additive: Simply pour the recommended amount of AMSOIL fuel additive into your car's fuel tank before filling up with gas.
  • Drive: Drive your car as you normally would, allowing the additive to clean the fuel system as you go.

Transmission Fluid Change

Regular transmission fluid changes are essential for maintaining smooth shifting and preventing costly repairs. Here's how to change your transmission fluid:
  • Locate the Transmission Fluid Pan: The transmission fluid pan is typically located underneath the car and is secured with bolts.
  • Drain the Fluid: Place a drain pan beneath the transmission fluid pan and remove the bolts to drain the old fluid.
  • Replace the Filter (if applicable): Some vehicles have a transmission fluid filter that should be replaced along with the fluid. Refer to your vehicle's owner's manual for specific instructions.
  • Refill with AMSOIL: Use a funnel to refill the transmission with your chosen AMSOIL synthetic transmission fluid, following the manufacturer's recommendations for fluid type and quantity.

Dial (407) 920-2569 to keep your car running smoothly for years. The oil pros at Hersey Synthetic Oil in Orlando are ready to help and tailor the best synthetic oil care for your vehicle. Or, head to the AMSOIL website and complete any online purchases.